Friday 4 January 2013

reading... ootd

headband, primark
mens jumper, new look
black leggings, sainsbury's
grey socks, next

Yesterday I didn't really do much, I did plan on going out to meet some friends but I was too tired and didn't get up quite early enough to get there on time, which is unusual for me because I am normally an early bird who is never late at anything, especially waking up!

I spent my day helping my mum around the house by hoovering and such and had planned on doing this post yesterday but got distracted by a very good read... until 4am.

If I start reading a book I don't put it down, I physically can't. It's like watching a movie in your head and I love it more than anything because as well as it being some one else's idea it's your interpretation of those ideas and is amazing. 

Unfortunately not being able to put a book down means I get through a book quite quickly and lose sleep so i don't get to do this regularly.

Yesterday it wasn't quite a book though and I hate to admit this but since this is yesterday's ootd I think you deserve an explanation; It may have been fan fiction I was reading. I can feel you judging me through your computer screens right now but let me just explain.

My friend was also reading the same thing last night and convinced me to read it, I'd never really paid attention to stuff like this before but it was genuinely a really good read. It wasn't a silly imaginary relationship with a famous person, in fact in the story they weren't even famous It was a really good story line and if you like the wanted and would like to read it I'll definitely recommend it to you...

It was about a girl who didn't trust anyone and a boy who managed to turn that around; basically a chick flick (or even a rom-com it was that funny) inside my head which I loved.

Now just to make sure you still aren't judging me, I'm sure you know someone who's read 50 shades of grey? yep, that's fan fiction and I haven't read that!

maybe I should have been revising though... 



  1. love your outfit, i'm a massive geek so don't worry, i love reading..i'm a freak, dw!
    Imogen <3

  2. I looooooove your jumper! Have you read any of the John Green books? I'd recommend them allll! Love you blog, maybe check mine out?


    1. Thanks! I haven't but i have heard of them! Definitely want to read them! :) xo

    2. India you need to send me the link to this fanfic! Hehe. And you remember when I bought a book a few weeks ago and texted you to tell you I'm lending it you because it's amazing? That's a John Green book:-)

    3. yes i'll send you the link on facebook later! yes i thought it was! :') xo

  3. Love that Jumper :)!

  4. Great outfit! x

    Tanya from Cats and Clothing
    P.S. Please check out my first giveaway! :)

  5. love the headband... making me want to take out my old bandanas! :)

  6. I love your jumper!

  7. Your outfit's adorable (:
    I just discovered your blog and I really like it :D


  8. really cute outfit, I love the jumper it looks so comfy x

  9. Hi India! Im a new subbie. Sorry but i was wondering if you could give me the link for that fan fic cause you made it sound pretty good and im kinda a little bit obsessed with the wanted haha. Cute oufit btw, i love your headband :-)xx


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