Tuesday 19 March 2019


So, leaving a blog post til the last minute is not usually a very 'me' move but I just didn't know what to say. I finished work at lunch today and spent my afternoon with Finn. We had a beer, got some cake, ate the cake and now I'm writing this...

At the moment I'm finding it difficult being myself and being present, I'm often very floaty and distant and should probably see a Doctor because it's not particularly fun. I am slightly worried however that it's nothing to do with my health and maybe just a lack of focus? I really miss being at university and being in education and though it's nice knowing I will be going back to do a masters it feels so far away.

I'm trying to regain a bit of focus by keeping on top of plans and organisational stuff whilst also making sure I do spontaneous fun stuff, like going for beer and cake on a Tuesday afternoon. I know I'll be fine though and that whatever this is, it will pass.

I do have more exciting things coming up on the blog in the next few weeks, so do keep your eyes and oranges peeled, but today I'm afraid it's just a pic of me having a beer.


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