Tuesday 29 January 2019


TEDDY COAT - TOPSHOP (similar here)

So despite this post going up on a Tuesday, this was indeed a Friday outfit. I've decided Casual Friday's is a thing I'm going to do. I don't have much structure to my week- in that I don't have a mon-fri 9-5 job so my weekends are sometimes not at the weekend... So adding structure to this non-consistency of mine in dressing down and comfy on a Friday is something I want to do - as a way to look forward to Friday's and to also keep me on top of what day of the week it is.

It's not like I dress up all the time, and by dressing casually I don't mean putting no effort into what I look like, just a bit more of a jeans and tee (or massive fuck-off jumper in winter) kind of outfit. Believe it or not, I do love wearing jeans and a top and my vans - I just don't do it as often as most seem to. I've always always always been a dress and skirt girl- so actually in a way, my casual Friday's should extend my wardrobe repertoire. 

If you've known me for a while now, you will have noticed that my Teddy Coat barely leaves my body when it's cold - it is my ultimate comfort blanket, for cosiness and contentment and I would wear it all year round if that wasn't ridiculous. I also think, despite it being a gorgeous coat, it's not particularly smart and therefore quite easily lends itself to a casual winter look. 

Now onto my new ultimate loves. My Monki Kimomo jeans were bought in the sale in the Manchester store. I couldn't be bothered trying them on, so I guessed my size and honestly didn't expect much but they are the perfect jean for me. They are a high waisted, relaxed fit and the most gorgeous true denim blue and I'm honestly contemplating throwing out all my other jeans because this is true love and they deserve all my attention. I would highly recommend these jeans, though I would like the point out the style definitely isn't for everyone as I know my sister (who is skinny but strong) tried these and wasn't keen, she much prefers the Monki Taiki style jeans and she adores hers.

And my other love, this dreamy dreamy Topshop knit. So, when I was shopping with my pal Lucy the other day, I found this just on it's own in the sale section with no price tag - checked the care label (cos this gal does not buy wool) - and took it to the till to ask the price and it was £10 down from £45. This is, without a doubt the best bargain of 2019 and it is only January, like holy hell what a steal. Especially since I got an extra 20% off at the till. I think this jumper may have actually been cheaper than my lunch that day. It's also super soft and I've already worn it so much that it smells of me, which we all know is the ultimate comfort. 


- quick thanks to Charlie for being a doll and making me look cute in grey Stockport, and for drinking lot's of coffee with me x 

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