Monday 24 September 2018


Apologies for the lack of blogging... I am going to get into a routine eventually and this post was meant to go up a lot sooner but let's be real I was feeling lazy and then my internet was not exactly being my pal so it's up now, what can you do!


So the H&M dress of the moment is this insane lacey number and I'm beyond obsessed. It was £12.99... I'll let you soak that in for a moment. Deep purples and florals are essential in Autumn a mon avis, and apparently make me so excited I use dribs and drabs of French in my language. I'm also flippin' excited about how many ways I can wear this dress. It is floaty and wide and gorgeous in an almost Balenciaga kinda way (particularly in reference to this 1958 stunner) and I reckon could be paired with almost anything. My immediate thoughts on purchase were that I absolutely had to pair it with bare legs and my over-the-knee floral boots whilst it was still a bit warm and I am so glad I did and even more glad I got the pics to prove it. I have since worn it with just tights and Dr Martens which I also loved but I reckon it'd also look well cute with trainers.

I'm super excited that it's now autumn, I'm missing the heat a little but I seriously love autumn colours, brown leaves, blue skies and early sunsets. It does, however, make me wish I were still in Nottingham; The Arboretum in Autumn is one of my most favourite things EVER and I'm so glad that now my sister is studying in Notts she'll get to experience it too, though I am rather jealous.

Stockport is nice in early autumn, I love the old town and little underbank, and wandering around taking these photos before meeting a pal for coffee with Eden was beyond lovely. No idea who I'll drag out for last minute shopping trips now... perhaps I'll call her whilst I wander alone. How appropriately melancholy. 


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