Tuesday 24 October 2017


Balance is something I struggle with. I think as a Uni student I’m very much not alone in that and now that I’m actually in my final year I seem to have even less balance. I’m constantly busy and instead of doing an okay amount of each thing or just focusing on one I choose to do as much of everything as possible. And I get so tired.

The Uni library, where I like to pretend to be productive x 

My problem is that I’m a Lorelai not a Rory and while I’m finishing up a degree I need to be Rory or at the very least have a Rory coaching me to success. Sorry if you don't watch Gilmore Girls, but you should.

To realign myself, I’ve decided to get a bit more organised and scheduled. Who knew 21 was such an exciting age? I think I'll just cope so much better and be far less stressed if I can see what I'm supposed to be doing and actually physically remove it when I'm done.

1. Get a Calendar and cross off each day. This won't happen until 2018 but I need visuals of when I'm doing what.

2. Weekly planner - This is something I already do, I have a gorgeous weekly planner I got for Christmas last year from Ohh Deer and I use it most weeks and plan out what I'm doing just so I can see it in front of me.

3. The big to-do list. A list of the big stuff, dissertation, assignments, blog posts, travel, emails, admin, work. Cross off as completed and prioritise.

4. The little daily list. A maximum of five small or three big tasks for the day. Done in my whiteboard notebook so they can be removed when completed, so I can physically see how little I have left to do rather than trying to locate it in a sea of scribbles.

5. Prep food, freeze meals, eat well. Eating out isn’t eating well, neither is getting takeout, nor plain spaghetti. Cook for more than myself, freeze and eat for as long as possible. Never ever skip breakfast and more importantly coffee. Do not skip coffee. 

6. At least one day off a week. No obligations, do whatever you want, sleep all day, drink all day    w h a t e v e r (I don’t advise drinking all day but girl you do you). I hope you read for pleasure India, fall in love with books again, please. 

If you're also struggling to find balance I hope this helped out a little, and if you have anything else you think I should be doing tell me, it's greatly appreciated!


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