Sunday 15 November 2015

Dusk In The City

Dress - Charity Shop / Cardigan - Vintage / Coat - Viyella / Bag - Urban Outfitters / Watch - Casio

Okay so I will be the first to say that I hate photos being taken in bad lighting but I think these are alright and sort of sum up a rather lovely day with John when he visited me in Notts so I'm posting them anyway and you can deal with the bad lighting I'm sure. 

Despite having a few faults, this dress is my favourite charity shop find (of which I found myself) and for who knows what reason I feel rather badass in it. I think because I wear it with Dr Martens and because it's such a pretty classic shape I feel a bit like Clara Oswald from Dr Who in it which is definitely a good thing, It would definitely look really cool with a biker jacket too! 

I love wandering around in Nottingham so much, I feel like now that I live in the city centre I do it much less which doesn't make any logical sense but John is one of the best companions to wander around with because I think at times he is just as curious and restless as me. I also just adore Nottingham at this time of year because it isn't nearly as cold as home. 



  1. Really love the photos and the look :3

    Ana ♥ N/POST


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