Wednesday 14 October 2015

Vegan What I Ate Today | 5

Breakfast 10.40am

For Breakfast today I had my usual of porridge, I had it with almond milk, hot water, homemade vanilla apple sauce, cinnamon, chia seeds, 1 nectarine and 1 plum... which sounds like A LOT but there aren't any competing flavours or textures and I just really love being creative with my porridge. The basis tends to be porridge, almond milk and apple sauce and then I'll just kind of add what I have. Today I added chia seeds as they're supposed to be a super great carb and I find that oats don't actually fill me up for long enough!

Lunch 2pm

For lunch I had 2 pieces of toast with "Heinz Big Soup - Chunky Veg" and a sprinkle of Nutritional Yeast and a glass of water. I love soup but I'm not the best at making it and having a can in the cupboard is perfect for when you can feel a cold coming on! 

Ice Lolly

When I did a bit of food shopping this week I noticed that Tesco had a lot of reduced ice lollies so I decided to get a packet of the 100% orange juice ones since it's just orange juice and no nasties I figured they're an ok snack, especially since the weather is still rather warm here.

Dinner 7pm

For Dinner I had 2 baked sweet potatoes with kidney beans, peppers, onion, courgette noodles and some tarragon and mustard salad dressing. Not the most exciting or technical dinner ever but I must admit it was delicious and just soooo easy.

I hope you liked this post, If you'd like to see more foody posts please let me know!



  1. Humm looks so yummi *-*

    Ana ♥ N/POST


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