Tuesday 21 July 2015

Ed at Wembley and Stale Pretzels...

 Jacket - Newlook (customised) / Top - Primark / Skirt - Maude / Shoes- DMs / Hair Chain - Claire's

The reason John and I went to London for the weekend was to see Ed Sheeran at Wembley and honestly it was incredible. We didn't quite make it early enough to see the support acts which we weren't too bothered about but Ed was amazing. Watching just one man, a guitar and a loop pedal on a stage in front of 87,000 people is spectacular to say the least. Going to any concert or seeing any sort of performance is always great but having one person put on such an awe-inspiring show alone creates a feeling of amazement that  never leaves you.

As we were in a bit of a rush to get to Wembley we didn't have time for food or outfit photos before hand so we had to quickly grab a snack from the Sainsburys next to the stadium, where unfortunately the pretzel I got was definitely a few days past it's best and was like trying to eat a rock so ended up just being a 'prop' for my outfit pictures. I really liked this outfit, I found it quite difficult to match tops with my Maude skirt but I really loved the colour of this vest and I think my denim jacket completed the outfit perfectly, I also decided a gig was the most appropriate time to wear a head chain because I really don't get enough wear out of it.

Regardless of the rubbishy pretzel, we had a brilliant evening and Ed was amazing!

IW x



  1. I'd love to see him sing live. Your outfit looks fab, especially your customised jacket :)
    Just discovered your blog and now following x


  2. Your outfit (especially the plaid skirt) is freaking cute!!! Also that venue looks amazing. Open air for Ed Sheeran must have been a blast.


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