Wednesday 2 July 2014


As I mentioned in my last post I have seen The Fault in Our Stars movie 3 times at the cinema which is definitely excessive. I'm definitely more of a book person than films or tv; I can happily sit down and read a novel start to end but I do find it difficult to sit through a film and there aren't many films I like all that much. I think the fact I adore John Green as an author and human in general made me especially excited for this film as well as the fact it is an incredible story and the fact it came out in the UK a few days after my exams ended completely!

This is the outfit I wore the third time I went to see it with my friend Helena and to be completely honest the outfit has no relevance to the film or book but I do just want to say that the film in my opinion couldn't be a more perfect representation of the novel and that I loved absolutely everything about it and if you haven't already you should definitely see it whether you have read the book or not, you'll leave the cinema not only crying, but happy and grateful and inspired and interested and moved and i'd honestly never left a film feeling like that before, and I enjoyed it just as much if not more, seeing it the second and third time.

 Denim dress- Primark/ Shoes and socks- Topshop/ Top- Hand-Me-Down/ Satchel- Primark

 I'm not usually keen on animal prints at all but I really love this top especially with this dress, I think my favourite thing about it is the combinations of colours, I love how the mustard yellow looks with the printed collar and also with my ginger hair. I also really like the yellow with the wash of my denim dress, It reminds me of the 70s and I don't know why since I definitely wasn't around but I really like it a lot.
As I'm writing this post I'm listening to The Fault in Our Stars soundtrack which I'm obsessed with and is just a playlist of such beautiful music which you can listen to yourself here but I do just adore it and am almost definitely entirely infatuated by everything related to this film and am also going to recommend you give Nat and Alex Wolff a listen because they're amazing too, Nat Wolff plays Isaac in the movie and him and his brother Alex are incredibly talented musicians.

This post is essentially just a ramble and I can't think of a rounded normal way to stop this train of thought because I could honestly write a novel of how much I adore John Green's books and this movie and the music and the actors and acting and honestly everything.



  1. That outfit is sooo adorable, you look lovely!

    Also... OKAY? OKAY.

  2. I really want to go and see the film! But I've been listening to the soundtrack too and it's so great, I just NEED to see the film
    Eden from edenroses xx

    1. You definitely need to see it, it's incredible!! x

  3. I totally adored the fault in our stars, I cried hysterically haha! + you look lovely India :) x

  4. I can't believe you watched it three times! That's amazing you go girl! I love your outfit, I think the mustard and animal print go so well together and very jealous of all your pot plants x

  5. Love this outfit!! The leopard print collar is so cute!

  6. Such a cute outfit! I still haven't seen the fault in our stars, I really want to read the book first!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

    1. Thanks Alice! You should definitely read the book! John Green is an amazing author it's such an incredible novel! x

  7. cute leopard collar! love that bambi bag too :D


  8. I agree.. The Fault in Our Stars is definitely worth a see and if you haven't read the book then go read it ! Love your outfit it compliments you so much! Loving your blog :)
    Jo x

  9. Love the socks and sandals:)


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