A birthday dress

Dress - Made by my Mother / Boots - Docs / Bracelet + Ring - Topshop / Bag - Vintage/ Nails - Hazard - Sinful Colors

I was 18 on wednesday last week and before hand managed to cause a bit of palava about what I wanted to wear, resulting in my mum making me two dresses in 3 days, I hated the first one, it's an alright dress but I just felt like a hippo in it so my mum made this one out of a pair of curtains which was our original plan and I adore it. I think I maybe even like it more than my prom dress which of course I adored, you can read more about how my Mum made it and from what pattern etc on her blog here.

I don't particularly enjoy birthdays, I don't like the singing and I'm just not so keen on being the centre of attention I suppose but I really did enjoy this birthday a lot. I went out for food with my friends and they stayed over and It was just like a normal day but really great. I received some amazing gifts and got told wonderful things and got to spend a few days with some of my favourite people and it may seem a bit boring but I loved it.

I kind of want to put my easter break on repeat because I have really enjoyed it but mostly because I don't want exams to start at all, I know I have to spend all my free time revising in the hope I get the grades needed for uni and it's a little bit terrifying, especially since I have the attention span of a squirrel.

I hope you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend and good luck to anyone else with revision and exams!