Saturday 22 March 2014



I'm not a very spontaneous person and I'd be lying if I said this trip to Sheffield was spontaneous but we did only decide we should go two days ago which is pretty spontaneous for me considering I like to be super organised and know exactly what will be happening when. I have been doing more spontaneous things lately and I think its actually really good, It makes me feel happier and going to Sheffield today with Molly has made me happier than anything, I love Sheffield a lot and I hadn't seen Molly in a long time and it was brilliant even with the temperamental northern weather.

We just wandered round being idiots, went shopping with pretty much no money and ate cool vegan food in a cute super healthy café place and drank lots of coffee which for me is definitely an ideal day out. I have also decided since borrowing a sweatshirt off a friend that I need more comfortable, casual clothes because it is honestly the most comfortable thing and looks pretty cool thrown over anything which I love and I'm surprised I don't already own one because I think they're versatile and I don't think I'd ever get bored of owning one!

This post is a little bit random but I wanted to share that I have had a good day and that I've been playing around with my camera and the photos aren't great or all in focus but I like them and they sum up my day well! Although the 60 odd selfies we took on my phone probably sum it up more accurately...


  1. Gorgeous pictures India! I adore the denim jacket, plus Sheffield looks like a pretty darn cool place.

    1. Thanks Imogen! My denim jacket is my absolute favourite, I wear it with everything! Sheffield is great! x

  2. I'd love to check out Sheffield! Lovely photos :) x
    p.s; check out my international Topshop makeup giveaway!

  3. I love being spontaneous! Last minute trips always seem to be the best, but do also feel a slight need to have at least a bit of a plan, such as times for trains and other such things - the ocd in me just won't let me be x

    Georgina | headintheclouds

    1. I'm exactly the same Georgina! Though yesterday I did even manage to be spontaneous about which train I got home which is very unusual for me! x

  4. Great photos, I've planned most of my summer sort of trips already, I only ever go like and hour away spontaneously <3

    The Quirky Queer

  5. Oh I love the first photo! So beautiful! xx


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