Sunday 27 October 2013

church island...

Shirt - a new shop / nottingham
Cardigan - new look
Skirt - H&M
Boots - Dr Martens
Ring - a gift, probably etsy
Nail Varnish - Rimmel 60 seconds Nail Polish in Rapid Ruby

Lipstick - Rimmel Moisture Renew in Rouge
Hair Bow - H&M 

Last week was my october half term and I stayed with my Grandma for a few days in Anglesey, I'm not sure why my half term was different to most peoples but it meant the Island was less busy than it often is in Public Holidays etc.

Church Island is a very small island in the Menai Strait in Anglesey which I guess you'd describe as a River type thing if you didn't know what it was and you get there by walking along the Belgian Promenade from Menai Bridge, now considering My Grandma has lived in Anglesey my whole life you'd think we'd visit such a beautiful place more regularly but apparently not! I've been told we went when I was a baby but obviously I don't remember and I'd always wanted to go because it looked so interesting when ever we passed. The Island is extremely small and only hosts an old (disused I assume) church and a graveyard but it is so beautiful and my new favourite part of Anglesey!
It also seemed to bring out my inner doctor who geek when I found this Angel, who is nothing like the statues in Doctor Who and is missing a hand but it still made me smile and I had to get photos with it!

I'm actually in love with the outfit I wore, It reminds me of school uniform and I actually always liked my uniform whilst at school so that's definitely a good thing! I'd wanted a skirt like this for a while and my sister found this in the Childrens section of H&M and I think it's probably school uniform but considering it was reduced to £2 and age 14+ fitted me I had to get it!

 I've also really got back into wearing a red lip and red nails lately which I really love and I stole this Nail Varnish from my Mum because I thought it was a more vampy, Autumnal take on the red nail and I absolutely love it, I think it will be amazing for halloween too which is great since I have no clue what i'll be dressed as!

 P.S. I got LookBook and I don't know 
what I'm doing so if anyone has any
 tips they'd be highly appreciated!



  1. Gorgeous pictures - it looks beautiful there! Your outfit is lovely and your hair looks great! :)

  2. Lovely post! Your photo's are so gorgeous. Hope you had a nice half term :) xx

  3. What a pretty place :) lovely outfit as well India! X

  4. Love the scenery, its such a pretty place to take photos! Love the skirt, I know what you mean about school uniform too, I love the typical knee socks and pleated skirt type thing. Loving the red lips and nails combo too, definitely autumnal and vampy.


  5. You are excellent at photography :)

  6. you look absolutely lovely!

    from helen at thelovecatsinc

  7. Looks like a beautiful place and you look so cute!
    I liked your blog, I'm now following :3

    SHE WALKS Blog

  8. this place is enchanting. I absolutely love it, as well as your lovely hair bow !

  9. This place is beautiful and your hair looks great

  10. Lovely post with beautiful pictures & I nominated your blog for the liebster award, visit my blog details of you would like to!xxxx

  11. you pretty thing, you! love your blog.

  12. Stunning photos! You're so pretty, you look like a doll! ♡ :-)

  13. great post! would you like to follow eachother?

  14. you're amazing at photography india!

    abby x


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