Tuesday 6 August 2013

where's she gone again

oh look its my friend James (follow him on twitter, he's hilarious)

Lately i've either been really busy or ill and when i have been busy i've really wanted to blog about my outfits because i've liked them quite a lot but then i just haven't had the chance to take the photos. If you follow me on twitter you're probably far too aware of my life and all it's happenings which i apologise for!

The dress in the picture above was one my mum found on the £5 rack in peggy mae vintage in stockport and i absolutely love it and i wish i could have got proper pictures to show you although i'm sure i will soon!

I basically just wanted to give you a little update on everything so yeah i guess that's done!

If you want to know exactly what i've been up to please let me know in the comments and i'll do a proper update post or a video or something to let you know :)



  1. Love the print on your dress - so pretty! Looks gorgeous!
    Rachael x
    Rachaeleeno | Beauty, Fashion & Thoughts

  2. Such a pretty dress India :) x



  3. Love the dress. Such a pretty design. I have a new blog button. As my button is on your blog roll, would you mind changing it to my new one? I found the font was very faint so I've changed it to be a bit thicker and bolder. You can get the html on my blog here: http://ribbonsandbowsox.blogspot.co.uk/

    Rebecca xx

  4. love your hair in this photo! :) xx


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