Saturday 27 April 2013

The Teenage Market

This Afternoon i thought i should just do a quick post about what i'm doing tomorrow...

Tomorrow I have a stall at Stockport's teenage market and this morning have been busy finishing of some of what i'm selling and working on the presentation of it etc but i thought i could show you!

I only thought to do these sunglasses yesterday so i only have 2 pairs done as i wanted to see what they'd be like and i think they're really cute! I know they're probably a brave choice of eye-wear but i know if i saw these i would really want them and probably wear them with everything!

Tomorrow i'll also be selling Head Scarves, Flower 'crowns' and hair bands, hair clips and Infinity Scarves! (In fact what the sunglasses are sat on is a pile of head scarves!) 

I was wondering though if i were to sell this kind of thing on line would people buy it?

When I'm finished with the market tomorrow i will probably be putting all of my stock onto etsy but i was curious as to whether People would like the sunglasses as these cost a little more to make and If people want them i will make and sell them online?

I don't know, if you like that idea let me know in the comments! 



  1. I love those sunglasses! And you're so lucky to have an event like a teenage market near you, I've never heard of one, but it sounds like fun!

    Oh, and I'm only getting started on blogger, and I was wondering how you got that bar thing at the top of your blog that says: home, contact, about me, (etc) because it looks really cool :)

    and if its okay i'll put your button on my blog (no need to do a button swap, I don't even know how to make one yet hahaha!)

    thankyou :) xx

    1. Thanks Laura!

      If you like you can email me if you have any questions about blogger and i'll probably be able to help! I followed a youtube tutorial by Wonder Forest to make the buttons bar but using instead of photoshop!

      As soon as you have a button i'll be sure to add it to my blog roll :) xx

    2. sorry to bother you again, but how do you add somebody elses button?
      wow I am so bad with computers :(
      thankyou for replying anyway :D

    3. It's ok, it's not a bother! You have to go on your blog layout, add gadget, and paste in the code of the button you want :) xx

  2. Before I saw you asking about selling online I was going to comment and ask if I could buy a pair of those sunglasses! So I'd definitely be interested. :)

    Good luck with the market!

    1. Aw yay! I'm glad people would be interested! xx

  3. Thats so cool that you have a stall! those sunglasses are so pretty :) I'd go for it if i were you :) xx

  4. These are so cute and quirky! X

  5. Wow - you seem like a really creative person! Wish I had a unique way of making some money like that! Hope it went well :) x

  6. they are gorgeous! I really admire you for being vegan, i've been veggie for seven years now but could never be vegan! Thank you so much for adding me to your blog roll & im glad you like my blog - your blog has been one of my faves since i started blogging! XXXX

    1. Aw that is so sweet to hear Joni! your blog is honestly lovely! I'm glad you let me find it!
      It wasn't that difficult for me to be vegan since i'd been vegetarian my whole life anyway! xxx


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