Monday 11 March 2013

Company Style Blogger Awards 2013... I'm Nominated!

I have only recently heard of the Company Style Blogger awards and I thought I may as well give it a go!
So If anyone has the time and the chance to and would like to help me out, I would very much appreciate any nominations in the  'Best Personal Style Blog – Newcomer, sponsored by New Look' Category which is for blogs less than a year old (like mine) and who obviously have good personal style... I'm not sure if any of you think I have personal style but if you do, nominations are appreciated!
(To nominate click here, then "nominate your blog here" and enter my blog URL, category and your details!)




  1. nominated you, well done! X

  2. Nominated! Well done, your blog is a wonderful read and definitely deserves it. Good luck!
    Thank you for writing such a lovely blog for us all to read :)

    Becky xx


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